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Tirsdag aften har FC Barcelona præsenteret et kæmpe partnerskab med musikgiganten Spotify.
Partnerskabet indkluderer både den eftertragtede spillertrøje (på både herre og kvindeholdet) og stadionnavnet. Det betyder at FC Barcelonas fans fremover skal gå til fodbold på Spotify Camp Nou.
I en fælles udmeldning fortæller partnerne, at de har store ambitioner om at bringe musik- og fodboldverden sammen. At give musikere nogle nye “scener”
Aftalen gælder først fra sommer, men vil vare de næste 4 år. Aftalen forventes at indbrige FC Barcelona omkring en halv milliard danske kroner om året.
Historisk er FC Barcelona en af Spaniens mest succesfulde klubber med 26 mesterskaber og 31 pokaltitler på herresiden. Holdet har også vundet Champions League fem gange.
På kvindesiden er klubben Spaniens mest vindende i nyere tid med seks mesterskaber de seneste ti sæsoner.
dontt.dk følger præsentationen i morgen og vil opdatere mere konkret om aftalens indhold. Dog kan vi allerede sige, at FC Barcelona har arbejdet hurtigt og sjovt nok har fået en playliste på Spotify.

Statement of Joan Laporta, President of FC Barcelona:
“We are very proud to announce a pioneering alliance like this with a world-renowned organization like Spotify. This partnership will allow us to continue to bring the Club closer to its fans and make them feel, even more, part of the Barça family through unique experiences, combining two activities such as entertainment and football, making it possible for us to connect with new audiences around the world.
It is also a union with which we continue to take steps forward in this new era that we have started, and which demonstrates, once again, the innovative character and the constant search of excellence that distinguish Barça and have made it a unique club in the world.”
Statement of Alex Norström, Chief Freemium Business Officer, Spotify:
“We could not be more thrilled to be partnering with FC Barcelona to bring the worlds of Music and Football together. From July, our collaboration will offer a global stage to Artists, Players and Fans at the newly-branded Spotify Camp Nou. We have always used our marketing investment to amplify Artists and this partnership will take this approach to a new scale. We’re excited to create new opportunities to connect with FC Barcelona’s worldwide fanbase.
Spotify’s mission is to unlock the potential of human creativity, supporting artists to make a living off their art and connecting with fans. We believe this partnership creates many opportunities to deliver on this mission in unique, imaginative, and impactful ways.”
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