Joe & The Juice Launches "Pink Store" in Copenhagen: A New Branding Hub
🇩🇰 Danish version
Danish Joe & The Juice has seen great success globally, opening numerous new stores and aiming to reach 400 locations by the end of 2024. With a goal of 1000 stores, supported by new owner Atlantic General, the chain is now refocusing on the Danish market. Thomas Nørøxe revealed yesterday that a new “Pink Store” will open in central Copenhagen. This store is designed as a branding hub to attract both customers and influencers. The interior will emphasize the unique JOE spirit, and a fitness center for staff and friends will be built, adding vibrancy to the space.
We will follow this development closely. Joe & The Juice also plans to expand its presence in provincial areas with drive-thru options, the first of which has already opened in Vestjællandcentret. In Denmark alone, Joe & The Juice generates half a billion kroner and has recently achieved a positive net profit for the first time in recent years. Thomas Nørøxe stated, “We have focused heavily on expansion, but now I’ve moved the entire management team to Copenhagen from London. We’re placing new emphasis on Denmark, where we are opening new bars, among other things. We had a reputation for having young, attractive, tattooed guys in the stores with loud music. We’ve since lowered the volume of the music in the cafes, but the music and visual style are still an important part of our concept. We’ve also seen it as a great advantage to have a workforce that’s 50/50 gender-balanced, which we’ve achieved globally.”

Still deliver growth in Denmark
Nørøxe continues, “Even though we’ve been in Denmark for 22 years, we can still deliver growth, so I see great potential here. The more established we are, the more doors open. As a new brand, you don’t go for Carlsberg Byen, Islands Brygge, and Hillerød, but we can do that now, and we’re present in several of these places.”
Nørøxe also discusses the drive-thru opportunities: “We’ve never been very big in the provinces, and we see that the pedestrian streets don’t have as many people anymore. We can catch them in the drive-thru instead. We’re aware that we’re small in this segment and will face stiff competition. Our edge is that we offer something new in what we call the better-for-you category, where we have healthier products than those we’ll be up against.”
Thomas Nørøxe also sees a significant opportunity to increase morning sales: “We see more potential in the time from 6 to 11 AM, which is a completely different space today. Now, it’s part of many people’s daily routine to grab a coffee and take it to work.”

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